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Residential Bird Control

Residential Bird Services

  • Birds are a common problem for residential customers. They may nest in attics, vents, gutters or other areas creating a mess around the customer's home. They can also be a risk to human health due to the diseases they may carry.
  • Most residential bird problems can be handled by the local Varment Guard technician.
  • For species specific bird control, see the bird section in the Wildlife Wiki.

Bird In Vent (BIV)

Bird in Vent (BIV)

  • One of the most common residential bird services we offer is a bird in vent service. In the springtime, birds will nest in bathroom exhaust vents, dryer vents or stove/microwave vents. There may be birds, eggs and/or nesting material inside the vent. This can cause ventilation issues and even become a fire hazard. 
  • Our bird in vent service includes removing any accessible nesting material, birds and eggs from the vent. Depending on the depth of the nest in the pipe, the LintEater tool may be used to clean the pipe. Gently use the tool to make contact with the nesting material, twist until the claw grabs material and gently remove the tool
  • *Never use the tool attached to your drill on flex piping, it will destroy the pipe.*
  • *Make sure to test the airflow by turning on the vent. Airflow MUST be restored before excluding the vent!*
LintEater Tool
  • The vent will also be disinfected and deodorized using steri-fab and ZR1 or similar antimicrobial and deodorizer. 
  • If the flex pipe has been damaged by the birds, a replacement can easily be installed if the vent runs through the attic and sometimes be installed if the vent runs through the floor. If the flex pipe runs through the floor and you are unable to replace the duct, clearly document that an HVAC specialist will need to replace the duct after service is complete. 
  • Next, replace any damaged louvres and/or faceplate around the vent. This should be done prior to adding a basket style cover. A magnetic cover includes replacement of these peices.
  • Exclusion of the vent by adding a cover is also included in the service and will prevent birds from entering the vent in the future. When dealing with a dryer vent, it is important that wire mesh never be used. Instead, a magnetic dryer vent cover or a Defender vent guard with an easy open front for cleaning purposes must be used to prevent lint build up. Stove and bathroom vents can have wire mesh added to the interior of the pipe behind the louvres in place of a basket or magnetic cover. 
  • It is important to check all other vents on the home when performing this service. Additional vents may also have bird activity or may just need a cover. Any additional services should be proposed to the client after inspection. 

Nest Removal Services

  • Another common residential bird problem involves birds nesting on or inside the home. This is a common problem in attics, roofs, soffits, eves, gutters, porches and chimneys. Nests can be small or very large depending on how long the problem has been going on.
Nesting Material in Attic
Nest in Gutter
  • This service should always start with an inspection. Common areas to inspect include the areas listed above. After inspecting, provide a proposal for removal of any nesting materials, disinfecting and deodorizing the area and any exclusion to prevent future issues.
  • Prior to removing any nesting material, use an anti-microbial or water to wet the material and wear proper PPE, including gloves, respirator and eye protection to prevent disease. Nesting material should be bagged and disposed of in an off-site dumpster. 
  • Future nesting issues can be prevented using exclusion or deterrents such as optical gel (see commercial bird section for application instructions). Make sure to provide a proposal!

Emergency Bird Removal

  • Sometimes a bird may find its way into a home. It may be flying around the interior of the home or stuck inside a chimney. Either way an emergency bird removal service is the best option.
  • If the bird is flying around the living area the best way to remove it is to attempt to capture it by hand or using a hand net. A hand laser can be a useful tool to move birds that are sitting out of reach to an area within reach.
  • If the bird is stuck in the chimney, the best way to remove it is to open the damper door from the interior and attempt to remove it by hand if it is within reach. Make sure to wear a bite-proof glove prior to attempting this in case of misidentification. Raccoons are often found in chimneys. 
  • If you are unable to remove the bird, you can leave a glue board at the bottom of the flue or on the damper door. Make sure to close damper after placing glue board so it doesn't fly into the home. Return in a few hours or the next day to check the glue board. 
  • After the bird is captured identify the species. If it is protected species it should be released on-site immediately. If it is a non-protected species, if can be released off-site or euthanized. 
  • Make sure you provide a proposal for any recommended exclusion including a chimney cap if this is how the bird entered!